英語_Education Trip

Education Trip and School Exchanges
Local Network Service encourages student exchanges to enhance mutual international understandings for the youth.  We believe the world can be more peaceful, hand in hand, by assisting more opportunities to see and talk and know people from abroad.

We receive around 70 schools from outside Japan every year, mostly from China and Taiwan, sporadically from Singapore, Thai, the States, and Australia.  As we work connected with local governments, tourism bureaus, and schools, we have the regular flow for accepting the request of arrangement.  Please follow the steps below for application.

1  Application Form
Application Form is for us to know when the school wants to visit our school, How many students are coming, Why they are visiting us, and What they want to do with our students so we can choose the proper school and proper classes for them.  To make Japanese friends, to experience Japanese classes, to experience Japanese culture, to study the education system of Japan, whatever the reasons are, we try to coordinate it with our local education board.

2  Itinerary
The itinerary also helps us to see which region of our state is best for the tour group to avoid the waste of transportation time.  At the same time, we can advise you more efficient and profitable way of courses.

3  Name List
We request you the Name List for the following reason.  1  To see the ages and grades of the students  2  To know the ratio of boys and girls  3  To make buddies and groups.  4 To check students’ allergies and also for schools as an informaton.

One-Day Plan Idea


Arrival at the School
Welcome Ceremony
Student Interaction in the class
Lunch with Students
Classes ( English, Calligraphy, etc )
Club Activities ( Tea Ceremony, Flower Arrangemet etc )
See off
Half-Day Plan Idea


09 00
Arrival at the School
Welcome Ceremony
Student Interaction in the class
School tour
See off

Appropriate Time for our schools



Total Schedule for school arrangement

( We=Local Network Service, You=You, the travel agent )

Step 1

① You submit the Application Form and the Itinerary for the School Exchanges 3 month in advance.
② We arrange a school, which basically takes about 1 month.
③ We adjust the itinerary when necessary to make it fixed

Step 2

① We arrange the exchange plan according to the Application Form and send it to you.
② You talk it over with the school and if any, request us until we fix the plan
③ You send us the Name List as soon as it is ready.
④ You let me know the phone number of the tour leader to us.

Step 3

① We go to our school for support and welcome your school.
② We take all care of students’ exchanges.


※ Once the application form submitted, we CAN NOT accept the cancellation because lot’s of people other than us, like local government, education board, tourism bureau, school teachers, and students will be involved for the arrangement.  So please be sure, before submitting the form, with your school that the tour is surely going to implemented.

The Education Trips often come with Home Stay Programs.  See details from below.

Home Stay Programs

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