Mt.Fuji Koshikiri-zuka Hill Adventure Hike

From Mizuga-tsuka Parking, the 2nd station of Mt.Fuji, we started a short hike. Even in winter, around the 2nd station is avaialble for Hike. There are several courses in the woods but as we had only an hour and half to stay here, we took the shortest hiking course, that is “Koshikiri-zuka” the small hill, actually an old crater on the mountainside.

From the Mizuga-tsuka Parking, I could see beautiful view of Mt. Fuji, lucky for me, though we had to walk in the snow, haha. Our local guide explained the history of Mt.Fuji and what the Koshikiri-zuka we are heading for is, and we started to move. My advise here is if you walk in winter, not to mention a jacket, you need to wear a waterproof shoes, otherwise, snow water goes into your foot !!

Within 30min, guess normally within 20 min as that day we had to walk very carefully, we reached on the top of the hill. Wooden observation deck was there for us to overlook Mt. Fuji and the forest, but stairs were icy and we stepped on it one by one very carefully. And now, there you are !!

Every tree had a tiny snow cap on the branches that made me, somehow, feel warmth in mind. The sign board explained all what we shall know around here. This board was prepared by the state government and you can also find each point in English ! Thanks to the guide, we could learn more history about each places and we walked back to the parking. He said, if there had not been so much snow, we could have walked around the crater, and even walked down the crater. Maybe, next time !!

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